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snafu | 12 years ago | 5 comments | 2.3K views

How do you integrate the textures into particle layers?

I have seen that in several templates, but these particle layers aren't in the list shown when you -> add layer -> add particle layer, in that list are pictures with .bp format ?????.

So the question is how to convert a picture into a bp format, and then would it be enough to include it in that directory of presets ?

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After selecting a preset you can change the texture the particle layer is using by pressing the CHANGE TEXTURE... button.

You can also:
-press F8
-press F9

michiel, 12 years ago

Note that this works the same for all layer types. Changing the texture of a text layer works exactly the same. This article explains it all:

michiel, 12 years ago

OK Michiel, I have read the link, and understand, but it doesn't make those pictures in .bp

By example, in the Bixpack 8 (the last one) one of the shows displays a lot of bugs, how is it made?, all I can see is that they are textures.

snafu, 12 years ago

A preset file (.bp) not only contains the textures but also the effect and all the layer properties. For this reason you can't convert a picture into a preset.

If you want to use the bugs in your own shows, the easiest way is to create a new preset:
1) select the layer that is rendering the bugs
2) choose PRESET > SAVE PRESET AS...

Now when you open your own show and press the ADD PARTICLE LAYER button you can select the preset you have just created.

michiel, 12 years ago

If you do not want to create your own preset you can use one that comes with the installer and adjust the textures, effect and properties AFTER you have selected this preset.

You can adjust the textures and effect in the F9 dialog. This is the most important dialog of the app. It is also displayed when you:
-press F8
-press F9

If you want to find out how the active layer works, first thing you should do is to take a look at this dialog.

michiel, 12 years ago

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