mrbernd | 12 years ago | 7 comments | 5.0K views

is there anywhere a library, where i can download free 3D model for blufftitler, like bullets, cars etc.?

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You could use Blender,
Find a model on Blend Swap,
and export from blender in .x format.
You will probably need to add the .x export addon in User Preferences.

pool, 12 years ago

thank you pool.

mrbernd, 12 years ago

That's a great resource for models.

Is there any tutorial that would show the steps of getting a model exported from Blender in .x format, and how we would manipulate it in BluffTitler.

I've seen some comments in articles about sub-models and model textures but they never explained enough for me to consider trying to use models.

But, seeing the possibilties of resources from that site makes me eager to try.

IBMedia, 12 years ago

The user guide explains submodels:

michiel, 12 years ago

Blender doesn't have the .x format export enabled by default.
In USER PREFERENCES under FILE type .X in the search panel and then tick the box on the right to activate it. ( to save you doing this every time you run Blender click on the SAVE AS DEFAULT button at the bottom.)
When exporting a model delete everything apart from the model i.e the default camera and light then right click on the model to highlight and export as .x model, try exporting the default cube to see if it is working correctly.

pool, 12 years ago

Another great site to look for models is Google Sketch-up Warehouse (now officially Trimble 3D Warehouse) You need Google Sketch-up and 3DRadPro's "3D Rad Exporter plug-in".
I found plenty of bullets there. The problem with cars are the windows and front lights. They will not look like glass at all because of transparency issues.

Tjeb, 12 years ago

En el modelo X presionas Ctrl U y se divide en todos los submodelos, encuentra el correspondiente a los cristales y le das las transparencia que deseas

crispin, 12 years ago

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