Jesus | 12 years ago | 10 comments | 4.2K views
I need a model file x bull can someone help me where I can get?
Thanks for your kind help.
¿un toro bravo? o un toro normal de consumo
maitegras, 12 years ago
Maitegras, thanks for your help.
Jesus, 12 years ago
Any idea where I can get a soccer ball model? They use one in a couple of the sports templates, but I can't find the model anywhere within the program. I've found lots of .3ds models, but have no way to convert them....
Kirk Parsons, 12 years ago
Kirk Parsons, 12 years ago
I use "Accutrans 3D". (2.12.3) for transverting to .x
I don't bother understanding the program; just import/export.
Tjeb, 12 years ago
En el google sketchup hay muchos modelos en 3D y con el plugin 3DRadPro que es gratuito podeis convertirlos en modelos X y listos para BT
crispin, 12 years ago
Crispin supplied a really good link here. (thanks Crispin) You only have to dowbload the "3D Rad Exporter plug-in" from their interior page. It works in the pro version of Sketch-up, I assume it will work in any version.
Tjeb, 12 years ago
Yo tengo sketchup 8 y funciona bién
crispin, 12 years ago
contact in email.
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