Jesus | 12 years ago | 5 comments | 2.3K views
Could someone guide me how to use the container layer, to know i need to use it in any image or text layer?
I think you are think about the Container layer the wrong way round.
You add text layers, image layers, etc TO the container layer.
You do NOT add a container layer to text layer, or image layer.
In other words, you put other layers INSIDE a container.
IBMedia, 12 years ago
IBMedia thanks, my question is I have to use container or layer
that support the text?
Jesus, 12 years ago
You create a container, then add text layers or image layers to the container.
Then when you move the container around, all the layers inside it move around ... or do whatever you decide to do with them
IBMedia, 12 years ago
Thanks IBMedia and Michiel, understood well his guidance.
I did a project and it turned out great, I appreciate them.
Jesus, 12 years ago
contact in email.
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