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jmarkt | 12 years ago | 7 comments | 2.6K views

In approximately 2009, someone posted a photo show, with the BT file called "PhotoGalleryMerge". It contains an "xml" file and pictures (textures), but there seems to be a missing file. I can Change Texture, but the show doesn't seem to function properly??

I've tried the Search, as well as viewing "All Shows", and cannot locate it.

Any possibility you might locate it, Michiel?? Thanks!

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I hope maitegras' link gives the answer because your description does not ring a bell.

Maybe this documentation for the XML feature can help:

michiel, 12 years ago

I understand.
this is a work done some time ago, and I do not remember because I create a xml file.
however you can replace in the folder (textures) images, for theirs.
one must place the same resolution and the same name

maitegras, 12 years ago

Thanks, maitegras, but that's not the one I'm looking for - I still have that one you made :>). I think the one I'm looking for was created by "Dave", but haven't seen him in the Forum lately?

I'm beginning to understand the correlation between the XML file and the Textures's just learning the XML language that is so challenging! I'm studying the instructions Michiel provided.

Thanks again guys!

jmarkt, 12 years ago

There are free ttols available which can read and write XML files, so it shouldn't be necessary to learn much about XML

IBMedia, 12 years ago

Some of the tools have lots of features specifially meant for programmers, nd might end up confusing you more.

Take a look at the FirstObject XML Editor

as it is less complex than most but will probably be easy enough for your purposes.

IBMedia, 12 years ago

Thanks, IBMedia, for the link and advice. I have it loaded and I'm into the "stare" mode right now!! :>) Thanks again.

jmarkt, 12 years ago

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