IBMedia | 12 years ago | 4 comments | 2.5K views
Hi Michiel
Would it be possible to provide an alternative resolution on export?
Maybe with options to either STRETCH or CROP, and to set whether WIDTH or HEIGHT is the determining factor?
Nowadays everybody seems to use HD 1280 x 720
Which resolutions do you use? And for what purpose?
At any time you can change the resolution by:
-pressing the SET SHOW RESOLUTION... button on the tool window
-choosing the menu item FILE > SET SHOW RESOLUTION...
-or by resizing the render window with your mouse
michiel, 12 years ago
Clients often have different requirements. So one client might need 1280x720, another might need 800x600, and another might need 640x480.
Another client might need it for mobile and so might want 480x320.
If I build a show that will take dynamic content, I could qant it at all those different sizes and more.
I know that I can do SET SHOW RESOLUTION .... but that wouldn't scale the show to the required size, so some of my show might be outside the render area.
IBMedia, 12 years ago
What is stored in the show file is the vertical field of view. You can set this with the FIELD OF VIEW property of the camera layer. No matter which resolution you use, this stays the same.
If you change the aspect ratio in the SET SHOW RESOLUTION dialog the horizontal field of view can change. You can correct this by adjusting the FIELD OF VIEW property of the camera layer.
michiel, 12 years ago
Awesome, Michiel.
Thanks for that info. I'll play around with it later. It sounds like it will help resolve my needs.
The new merge feature in 8.4 will also help me in this respect ... provided I plan my shows properly beforehand.
Thanks, it's appreciated.
IBMedia, 12 years ago