NextPreviousHomeContinuous Looping and screen shot?

classpros | 12 years ago | 2 comments | 2.8K views

Even when I choose long times in the "clock" the final avi output is always 3 to 6 seconds. How do you select a continuous loop for a short show? Also, I noticed that a lot of people pick certain "slides" in their animation as a shot, how do you pick the exact frame you want to become the "shot" you export into photoshop, rather than, say, after effects, as a jpg for example?

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You can export the current frame by choosing the menu item FILE > EXPORT AS PICTURE...

I would use my NLE (like Sony Vegas) to create a long video looping the same BluffTitler show.

Or maybe the playlist is what you are looking for. Choose SETTINGS > PLAYLIST WINDOW and right click in the window to add the same show for as many times as you want.

Another option is to use the dynamic content feature. This is more difficult, but the particles keep on flying in between loops:

michiel, 12 years ago

Sweet, thaks Michiel! The xml is outstanding too which means css will probably integrate well also.

classpros, 12 years ago

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