jmarkt | 12 years ago | 3 comments | 1 like | 2.3K views
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What is the best way to add/align a texture to an EPS shape. I've placed both in the same Container; however, positioning the texture is an issue for me???
With "both" do you mean an EPS and a picture layer?
Why don't you apply the texture to the EPS layer? You can paste the texture onto your EPS layer by pressing the CHANGE TEXTURE... button.
You can move and scale the texture with the TEXTURE POSITION and TEXTURE SIZE properties of the PES layer.
michiel, 12 years ago
When I apply the new texture to the EPS, using CHANGE TEXTURE, it does not fit correctly, and the size of the texture cannot be adjusted.
Using the Voxel effect, I think is going to be the ticket; it seems a lot of adjusting is still necessary, but the extrusion is an unexpected effect that improves the show?? BT is still fun to play with, even if you don't quite "get it"!
Thanks for the help, Michiel.
jmarkt, 12 years ago
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