dericktrotter | 13 years ago | 4 comments | 2.4K views
i cannot find out how to copy more than one key frame and paste them...... I have a set of key frames (10) in a container with a photo/texture, I clone the container and want to paste them along my time line then go and just change a photo/texture on each container .....why is this so hard .....I am having to do each key frame one at a time and there is no markings on the time line to go by .
simply. this can not be done
maitegras, 13 years ago
Why don't you clone the layer and move the keys in the cloned layer?
You can clone the active layer by pressing the CLONE ACTIVE LAYER button.
Keys can be moved by dragging them with your mouse.
michiel, 13 years ago
Thats exactly what I am doing ,,,,, but i want each layer to be the same ..... and moving the each key one at a time is not very accurate ..... its a bit of guess work .....what would be a good feature is when you clone a container it starts on the timeline where you put the scrubber..... when you clone it at the moment it puts it right over the top of the cloned container .
maybe i'm getting it wrong .
dericktrotter, 13 years ago
So you want the same animation, only with another picture and/or text played at a later time in the same show?
Creating a big show with lots of layers and keyframes is not the solution. You can automate this with the dynamic content feature:
michiel, 12 years ago