NextPreviousHomeStandard Installation Effects

dckbnfld | 13 years ago | 3 comments | 2.0K views

Where do you guy's get all the superb effects you sometimes use on the Gallery Titles, e.g. the Bender effect. I have searched through the listings of all the effects loaded with the installer and cannot find any mention of them. Is there a specific place where you can see a description of the effect(s) and download it/them as required?

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You can find a search box on the right side of the gallery homepage. Searching for "bender effect" takes you to this page:

michiel, 13 years ago

Thanks Michiel.
This assumes that I know the name of the effect.
Is there a listing of all the effects?

dckbnfld, 13 years ago

Maybe the image browser can help. It has categories like, for example, the filter effects:

michiel, 13 years ago

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