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Sonnetje69 | 13 years ago | 8 comments | 2.4K views

Hi Michiel,

#1 Almost all options within Bluff can be adjusted per key. Accept for the options from the left pull down menu and the speed options on the right pull down menu. You can only chose them once for the entire time line. Is it possible to change that?

#2 When you add video to your title, you must keep the time line as long as the video or it won't play correct. That makes sence but what if you want to make a PIP with more than one video with different lenghts? You cannot determ when a video should start playing. All video's start playing from the beginning. The ones that are shorter will repeat. I can make the PIP with Pinnacle Studio 12+ but the quality of the PIP made with Bluff is much higher. I know that Bluff is a Titler, not an editor and perhaps this takes to much adjustment to realize. But would it be possible?

Thanks al lot for your reply!


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I think BT can have Time/Position options for Videos/Sounds layers for playing per key,
Another is Fading From one camera layer to another.

SamSaam, 13 years ago

Hi SamSaam,

Can have is one, but that being said, it's not the solution yet.

I don't get the fading form one camera layer to another thing. Could you please explain?


Sonnetje69, 13 years ago

please see this:

SamSaam, 13 years ago

The options from the 3 dropdowns below the textbox can't be animated. Maybe you can create another layer and switch between them. You can make a layer invisible by moving it to an invisible position or by using the TRANSPARENCY property.

And yes, in the current version videos always loop and start playing from the beginning.

michiel, 13 years ago

"And yes, in the current version videos always loop and start playing from the beginning."

Hi Michiel, is there a subtle hint in that comment?

Were you hinting that it will not be that way in a future version?

IBMedia, 13 years ago

If this behaviour is going to change it will by optional to prevent breaking existing shows. (backwards compatibility)

michiel, 13 years ago

I think you will make a lot of users very happy if you do that.

Thanks - many thanks.

IBMedia, 13 years ago

Hi SamSaam and Michiel,

Thank you both for your reply.

@ SamSaam, I've read the article but still don't see how this can solve the don't start at the beginning issue. Never mind, I have a work around; I add a blanc title before and or after the video in Pinnalce, render it to AVI and then use it in Blufftitler. This also works, but it would be easier if this could be done directly in Blufftitler.

@ Michiel, I also thought of the multiple layer/transparency trick. It works okay, so no blocking issue there.

Anyway, I was just asking, so maybe in a newer version.

Sonnetje69, 13 years ago

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