chespi650 | 13 years ago | 3 comments | 3.2K views
mi pregunta es como lograr que el programa utilice mas recurzos de mi ordenador lo siento muy lento mi ordenador tiene 8 cores 16 gb memoria ram tarjeta de video de 3gb no se por q es tan lento
esto es solo con bluff titler con todos los de mas programas trabajan perfecto
chespi650, 13 years ago
Maybe it helps switching to normal or low quality with the menu item SETTINGS > NORMAL QUALITY or SETTINGS > LOW QUALITY.
Also don't try to use very big textures. For example if your show has a resolution of 1280 x 720, using textures of 5000 x 3000 pixels makes it unnecessary slow. Marking the LIMIT TEXTURE RESOLUTION TO SHOW RESOLUTION checkbox in the SETTINGS > GENERAL OPTIONS dialog can help preventing this.
michiel, 13 years ago
tanks michiel
chespi650, 13 years ago