Intrepid | 13 years ago | 5 comments | 1 like | 3.4K views
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I have 15 layers that I would like to move into a new container layer so that I can manipulate the 15 layers as one. What are the steps to move the existing layers into a new container layer? Thank you in advance.
Create a new container layer by choosing LAYER > ADD LAYER > ADD CONTAINER LAYER...
Then choose the menu item LAYER > ATTACH LAYER > ATTACH ACTIVE LAYER TO A CONTAINER... for all 15 layers.
michiel, 13 years ago
How do you move layers from one container to another?
I have one container with many layers, I need to put them into seperate containers.
The option described above is not available when an object is already in a container?
Donna Stewart, 11 years ago
I think you can do that by first selecting LAYER > DETACH ACTIVE LAYER FROM CONTAINER.
michiel, 11 years ago
Detaching the active layer first is doing the trick thank you.
Another similar question, I have two text layers and one is indented after the first text layer. The good thing is when I type something once it appears in both layers.
So, how do you do this on purpose? Create a new text layer and do something....?
Donna Stewart, 11 years ago
I think you are looking for the menu item LAYER > ATTACH LAYER > ATTACH BORDER TO ACTIVE LAYER.
You can also press the corresponding button on the toolbar.
michiel, 11 years ago