NextPreviousHomeVideo on Cube Faces

user390096 | 13 years ago | 3 comments | 2.3K views


I'm trying to put a little video on the faces of a rotating cube but when I load the video as a texture, it seems to spread out over all of the faces rather than appear in it's entirety on each face. I think maybe I need to make some sort of filmstrip looking image with the same video on all 6 adjacent slides. Is this how it should be approached?

Thanx, Frederick

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I think the best way is to create a cube yourself with 6 video layers.

This show illustrates the idea:

michiel, 13 years ago

Hi user390096,
here I have take ContainerCube and replace the image through Video.The Videos are adjusted to 512x512px.

by sinus300

sinus300, 13 years ago


michiel, 13 years ago

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