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user390096 | 13 years ago | 4 comments | 3.1K views

Does anyone have any good, reliable settings for exporting smooth movies with alpha? I've experimented a lot and can't quite find a real good setting. I can make the movies decent but it could be better. The FAQ section just says it can be tough to get a smooth movie - yes, but what are some good settings to try??

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You have to use compression to make your movies play smooth.

Codecs that support transparency are rare but I don't think this is a problem because movies with transparency are never the final product. I do all my editing with uncompressed files and don't care if they don't play smooth. It's only the final product (the YouTube movie, the DVD, Blu-ray or local MP4 file) that matters.

michiel, 13 years ago

I recommend you export using the Lagarith codec (using its RGBA setting):

The output is compressed but virtually lossless* and usually much smaller file size than other codecs (e.g Huffy).

[*the only neglible 'loss' is related to colour info, and only under certain settings/source media. Won't apply to your BT shows]

The result can be used in most of the main Windows NLEs (I use it in Vegas 10 Pro + Vegas 9 Platinum all the time, for example). Haven't had a single stutter on export using it.

Doesn't have a Mac version, but that shouldn't matter as you're no doubt working on a PC if you're using BT.

Alternatively - and If you do need Mac compatibility - use Quicktime's PNG Alpha/Animation codec. That's been useful for me too. Again, the resulting files are compressed but lossless.

viddy, 13 years ago

Hey Viddy I'm curious, you have a need to use Vegas 10 Pro AND Vegas 9 Platinum? Is there something the one does that the other doesn't? :)

Per, 13 years ago

To play back a smoother uncompressed movie I use a second internal drive with no OS files on it, just movies in my case. I find streaming the movies from this drive into BT held on the main drive with the OS much smoother. Both drives are the standard 7200 rmp


pool, 13 years ago

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