Ulli | 13 years ago | 13 comments | 3.7K views
Hi Michiel,
I am searching for an "Triptych-Effect", which divided a picture into three sections.
Can you help me?
Many greetings
Hi maitegras, thank you so much for you help. But this is not, what I want - sorry.
I have just made an example with BT.
Ulli, 13 years ago
Hi maitegras,
your show looks great. Thanks a lot for helping and your interest.
But still I think, it is easier to do with an "triptych-effect-file". I hope, it is possible to create this file.
Many greetings
Ulli, 13 years ago
Interesting, I was just thinking it would be interesting if one could show a part of a picture/video, delineated region.
Perhaps that is a too tall order.
Per, 13 years ago
Hi Per,
I think the triptych effect would be also for videos well.
Here is an example with Michiels curtain effect. That divides the video in two sections.
An triptych effect divides it into three and the size is equally.
Ulli, 13 years ago
Ah nice Ulli - sigh, this brings me back to what I think is a big minus with BT - the way all the extra effects are hidden like needles in a haystack all over the site - where they should be indexed in a section, by type and alphabetically.
Oh well.
But if that curtain is possible I wonder if one can do 3 slices, or perhaps any number to make Polyptychs
Per, 13 years ago
Hi Per,
if it is not possible to create this effect now, so I think, it is possible in the future.
I look forward.
Ulli, 13 years ago
The effects are seem to be small programs for the shaders, I've never tried programming something like that before, but perhaps its something I should look into when i get the time.
Per, 13 years ago
Hi IBMedia,
yes - great, this is what I need.
Thank you so much, for you help.
Many greetings :)
Ulli, 13 years ago