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richard | 18 years ago | 11 comments | 5 likes | 6.4K views

Tester, mikey3061, abcodie and 2 others like this!

trying to animate a countdown.....

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Hi Richard,
you have the typeface "MovieTimes" appropriates and not to the Download ready at bay. Please get this after or give a link to the Download

hgkhk, 18 years ago

Hi Richard !

I am crazy about these FX files, and woukd like to program them !

How would you make this counter starting on 10 ?

snafu, 18 years ago

My bad....thanks for the link Pixel Pim.

richard, 18 years ago


I guess you have to add 5 more layers for the numbers 6 to 10 then follow the animation using the controls. If you are going to use my sample then I suggest replacing the numbers 1 to 5 by 6 to 10 then add the numbers 1 to 5 later. I am a beginner using this program, I am sure the experts have a better technique and idea.

richard, 18 years ago

How do you change the photo that's used in the reflection? When I try to change the texture on the text layer, the chrome & reflective effects go away.

JimH, 18 years ago

Very impressive, Richard!

jmarkt, 18 years ago

Instead of using a separate layer for every number you can automate the process by using a single layer and storing the numbers in an XML file.

This technique is used by this animation:

michiel, 18 years ago

The animation uses a DDS texture to create the reflections.

More info about reflection mapping and DDS textures can be found here:

michiel, 18 years ago

Hi richard, Thank you for the Link

hgkhk, 18 years ago

Anyone know where there is a tutorial or clear instructions on how to use NVIDIA's PhotoShop plugin for DDS format?

jmarkt, 18 years ago

You can create a DDS file in Photoshop with the NVIDIA Photoshop plugin by selecting the FILE / SAVE AS.. menu item and choosing the D3D/DDS (*.DDS) format.

Your picture has to be in the right, left, top, bottom, front, back format. This is number 7 in the Bixorama homepage:

michiel, 18 years ago

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