NextPreviousHomeLens Flare--light layer visible, or not?

TheChad | 13 years ago | 3 comments | 2.1K views

The user guide says, "The lens flare can only be visible if the light is visible." Then it notes that you "might" have to move the light from behind the camera.
Then there's the lens flare layer effect dropdown:
Always Visible
In this mode, the lens flare is always visible.
Visible if Light is Visible
In this mode, the lens flare is only visible if the light is visible.
Visible if Light is Invisible
In this mode, the lens flare is only visible if the light is invisible.
Never Visible
In this mode, the lens flare is never visible.

That conflicts with the original statement that the flare can only be seen if the light is visible. Can someone explain how this thing works?

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Also, the light layer has the four visible/invisible effects, and a Flare Size and Flare Color. But there's no flare until you attach a flare layer, and then the attached layer has those effects/attributes plus others also.
Meanwhile, the flare visible/invisible and size/color in the Light layer have no effect at all.
What are those used for and how are they different?

TheChad, 13 years ago

You can never see a sunrise facing west. For the same reason, in BluffTitler, you can never see a light if it's behind the camera.

With the visible options in the lens flare layer you control the visibility of the lens flare. Obviously, the realistic option is the VISIBLE IF LIGHT IS VISIBLE option, but for special effects you can use the others.

With the ALWAYS VISIBLE option the flare is visible, even if the light is invisible because it is behind another layer. It can't make the flare visible when the light is at an invisible position, for example behind the camera.

michiel, 13 years ago

I may not be able to see the sunrise by facing west, but I can see the light it generates ;)

Per, 13 years ago

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