Carlos Marques | 13 years ago | 9 comments | 13 likes | 4.6K views

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modeled in BT

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Phenomenal Carlos, is this a 3ds model?

rudemartini, 13 years ago

you make different objects and assign textures in BT or is this a sinle objet with the textures assigned in a modeler?

I tried to make scenes with different models, but i have a problem because they don't fit each other when i import them in BT (scale & origin)

sebouze, 13 years ago

It is a wonderful model and I like it.

Ulli, 13 years ago

3D Model no.
did piece by piece, using EPS and text.

Carlos Marques, 13 years ago

nexus end video

Carlos Marques, 13 years ago

Wow...Maybe I don't understand correctly, but this is well beyond what I am used to doing to create an object. For instance are you saying you created each knob from an eps separately and then placed them one by one on the surface? How about the raised surfaces like the Delay, is this an eps as well?

I would love to see a tutorial somewhere on how to do this, just the basics as this seems like an overwhelming amount of work from what I am imagining.

Also where do you get your sound meter?

rudemartini, 13 years ago

I also liked the shadows and the chrome on the sides of the nexus symbol on the non-reflective floor in your first video.

rudemartini, 13 years ago

that's right
235 layers
the shadows are in png image
to give more reality to sena

Carlos Marques, 13 years ago

Carlos, I take my hat off to you. I had no idea that someone could be that dedicated, this is truly more than I ever could have imagined someone would be willing to do. I hope you are making money at this in your profession because you deserve it.

rudemartini, 13 years ago

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