Carlos Marques | 13 years ago | 6 comments | 7 likes | 5.3K views
Bragina, maitegras, vincent and 4 others like this!
How did you create the walking glow around the contours of the text at the end of the animation?
Did you use the MarqueeLights_Additive.fx effect? Or another trick?
michiel, 13 years ago
text effect DPACK_Additive tube with the lens flare in the photo image 2
and play with the properties.
Carlos Marques, 13 years ago
Instead of using this effect I advise you to use:
Compositions / ReflectiveFloor_ReflectionMap_Additive.fx
This is an improved, bug fixed and optimized version. No reason to keep using the old effects.
michiel, 13 years ago
Nice work Carlos,
michiel, I am new here so maybe you already have this but can you tell us more about old "buggy" fx? I have a whole collection of .fx that I have gathered all over the net. Can you put out a list of .fx with bugs that we should not be using, or that you have upgraded?
rudemartini, 13 years ago
In the Effects/Compositions folder that comes with the installer you can find 5 reflective floor FXs that are meant as replacements for the old dpack effects.
FXs are like textures, 3D models, fonts and other media files. Anyone can create them and publish them on the internet. You probably have more FXs than I have.
michiel, 13 years ago
I've seen it. that using the Marquee Lights fx ....... We can also get very good results.
is equal to using a Sketch.
thanks for this effect, Carlos and Michiel
maitegras, 13 years ago
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