NextPreviousHomeTrouble Downloading Gallery Entries

Boofus | 13 years ago | 4 comments | 2.2K views

It appears that not all gallery entries have a DL link. Does that mean the submitter doesn't wish to share?

Also when I hit the PLAY button, I either get (depending upon the browser I use) a text page representing the .bt file, OR the .bt file is automatically DL'ed to my computer.

Sorry for the really simple questions, but I'm VERY much a "noob" to the gallery.



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In the gallery, there are different types of articles. (questions, videos, dowloadable shows)
In some of the articles there are dowlaod link. Some times it's a ".zip" file in which you have the texture files, Fx files & .BT file... Sometimes you can open the show directly in BT, without opening a zip file.
But sometimes, users only post a video of their show. So there's nothing to download...

sebouze, 13 years ago

Note that on the homepage of the gallery, above the first article, you can filter on: All, Downloads, Tutorials, Questions and Show-offs. I think you are looking for the Downloads.

You have to teach Windows to associate .bt show files with BluffTitler. This way a .bt file is automatically played by BluffTitler when you open it (instead of showing the content in your browser). This association is performed by the installer, but maybe you have downloaded the ZIP version. The gallery help page explains how to do it yourself:

michiel, 13 years ago

Yes but with the "download" filter, you don't realy have all the downloadable shows.... Beacause the Zip file uploaded in the first post of the article is limited to 500kb. There are several shows in wich you have a "megaupload" link, and they don't appear when you have selected the "download" filter.

sebouze, 13 years ago

Thank you both..... VERY good information. Michiel, I don't know how you find the time to do so many effects, yet still have time to work on programming the next version. You must eat, breathe and sleep this product.

And the gallery of users creations make it even more fantastic. BT surely has to be the greatest titling product ever.


Boofus, 13 years ago

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