NextPreviousHomeTemplate No19 from BixPack Ornaments.

RRA | 13 years ago | 3 comments | 3.7K views


I'm evaluating Bixelangelo. What I have to achieve is very similar to template No19 from Bixpack 2 (camera movements is going follow direction of arrows, but arrows are growing along spline !). In my example I will have to use elements of electrical scheme instad of arrows.

My problems an question is : I can' understand how to create this special 'shape' of area, where arrows are growing. I can find only rectangles or cicrles variations, but this shape is different, it's like ZIGZAG. How to achieve this ? I have been thinking that there is some mask prepared in Bluff Titler, but going into details can see, that there is no mas, becasue all arrows are complete !

Could You explaing how to achieve such 'programmed' kind of growt of tree ?

Best regards,

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Good question!

The trick is to use a picture to define the STERILIZED AREA in the forest editor (F8). This is the area where the trees can't grow.

When you use a transparent picture with a zigzag shape, the arrows only grow in this zigzag shape. Press the LOAD PICTURE... button in the STERILIZED AREA box to load the picture.

michiel, 13 years ago

I have got it. Have prepared PNG 'meander' and can achieve this effect. But I'm facing another problem : how to control start, progress and end of grownig ? I would like to start grow from begin of meander and go forward towards end of meander - is it possible ? (now, my forest grows according to random function).

Best regards,

RRA, 13 years ago

When you set the FERTILE AREA to LEFT, the trees start growing from the left side of the screen. When you make sure your zigzag starts at the left side of the picture your tree has a starting point.

When you set the SIZE of both the FERTILE AREA and the STERILIZED AREA to (1,1) the picture fills the screen.

To make your tree grow until the end of the zigzag path make sure the tree keeps on generating new branches. Easiest way to do that is to set the REPEAT property of one of its branches to a high value, like 100. This way every branch generates another branch until 100 generations are rendered (or your zigzag shape is completely filled and there's no place to render a next generation)

michiel, 13 years ago

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