NextPreviousHomeBlue Sphere with shadow

medeltids | 13 years ago | 4 comments | 2.9K views

I would like to create a simple blue sphere slowly animating down from top of screen to center, left. As the sphere approaches the (white) "floor", a shadow will appear cast from the sphere.

Any help would be appreciated


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layer: spot light, turn on (intensity of the shadow)

maitegras, 13 years ago

How do I get text to rotate around a globe ?


Eddie, 13 years ago

To: Maitegras

"Layer: spot light, turn on (intensity of shadow)"

This works for text...not for a picture layer. Unless I'm missing something.
What I'm doing...Add new layer (a simple blue solid), then make into a sphere (3d in 3d space), place above another picture layer that is below the sphere (like a table).

I can't seem to get the sphere to cast a shadow.

medeltids, 13 years ago

download the next show.
verify that the images may also have shadow

maitegras, 13 years ago

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