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xlogold | 14 years ago | 4 comments | 3.3K views

Is there a way to adjust the thickness/weight of the outline of text or a shape? I know I can adjust the bevel but it does not work with adjusting thick or thin lines.

Also bold is not available as an option for fonts, why is that?

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When you use the INSIDE bevel style (3th dropdown below the textbox) you can adjust the thickness with the 1st slider of the BEVEL property.

michiel, 14 years ago

Thanks for your response! For some reason I can no longer find the bevel dropdown, a matter of fact I lost most of the text settings, it tells me i'm in PRO mode though. I have version 8.2 and bought a new license about a week ago.

xlogold, 14 years ago

Properties are only visible if they make sense for the current settings.

For example if you have chosen the FLAT style (3th dropdown below the text box) the BEVEL property is not visible because this style doesn't do anything with the bevel values.

But when you select ROUND BEVEL the BEVEL propery is visible again and fully editable.

michiel, 14 years ago

Oh ok thanks, i'll play around with it then. I appreciate the response. You have a great program, keep up the great work.

xlogold, 14 years ago

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