jmarkt | 14 years ago | 6 comments | 3.6K views
Using BixPack1, Arch_4_Photo4 show, how do you add video to (for exmple) ScreenLowerRight?
It does not appear that you can create a container layer and add screen/video in that manner? Therefore, how do you "assign" the video to a specific screen so that it "fits" throughout the entire show?
To replace a picture by a video perform the following steps:
1) select the layer of the picture with the dropdown above the PLAY button (or by left clicking on the picture)
2) press F9
3) press the CHANGE VIDEO button
michiel, 14 years ago
Thanks, Michiel, for the very quick response - guess I forgot about the "F" keys! The video (of course) fits/works perfectly - now I just need to figure out why it's upside down??!!
jmarkt, 14 years ago
F9 is only a shortcut. This dialog is the most important dialog of the application. It is also displayed when you:
-choose the menu item MEDIA > CHANGE EFFECT...
-choose the menu item MEDIA > CHANGE TEXTURE...
-press F8
The video is rendered upside down because you are using an old version. In version 8.2 the video is rendered ok:
michiel, 14 years ago
This article explains the power of the F9 dialog. For example you can easily display the output of your webcam in the ScreenLowerRight:
michiel, 14 years ago
Thanks again, Michiel. I get it, and all is well! I continue to be amazed at the possibilities with BT (not to mention the "customer assistance")! :>)
jmarkt, 14 years ago
Michiels customer assistant commitment is legendary!
After all this time, it still surprises me (in a good way)
alxtronics, 14 years ago
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