NextPreviousHomecomposite/animation question

mufasaxx | 14 years ago | 4 comments | 2.4K views

I need to composite and animate a circle of links (like in chain links or bracelate links) spinning around the earth spinning in one direction and the earth spinning in the opposite direction.

I have a Planet.X file and a chainlink.png file, however I can't seem to place the Planet.x inside the Png circle (duh! I guess because it's 2D).

What's the trick? Do I need a Chainlink.eps file or a chainlink.x for the 3D effect and if so where can I find the material (or technique) I need.

It's for an organization that aspires to have "links" around the world and donates to disaster victims (flood, earthquake, hunger, etc.) around the world.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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All layers must have a 3D property. Set the 'link' pic property to Cylinder (top left listbox), move the planet.x inside the cylinder (position parameter) then for each layer set the rotation property (1st slider), like that i think it'll be ok.

vincent, 14 years ago

Thanks Vincent, I'll give it a try.

mufasaxx, 14 years ago

I was successful following your instructions.

Your suggestion was spot on and I apologized for not contacting you sooner.


mufasaxx, 14 years ago

Happy to help you. Nice day.

vincent, 14 years ago

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