NextPreviousHomeSony Vegas Pro 10 - How to buy at a reasonable prize

Wowbagger | 14 years ago | 7 comments | 3.6K views

I started some time ago a thread about NLE software and got some useful tips. Recently I bought, at, Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum Production Suite at a special prize of ca 45 Euro (incl. free mail delivery), which I thought was much bang for the buck. They still have some left at a new lower prize of ca 40 Euro,
if someone is interested.

I installed, poked around, explored etc. And after a couple of days at the faboulous invention called YouTube, I (of course) realized I wanted the Pro version but it was not in my prize range at the moment.

Later I found the forum at, where I found a link to upgrade to Vegas Pro 10 from Movie Studio at a bargain prize, downloadable for ca 185.50 Euro + VAT, a total of ca 230 Euro. I couldn't resist this offer and wanted by this post inform anyone else with a tight budget that it is not necessary to pay full prize. In northern Europe where I live the prize for Pro version is ca 590-690 Euros. I payed total 278 Euro incl. the first bought Movie Studio.

Here is the link for upgrade:

P.S. The manual is 500 pages+, wink, wink Outerspace. :)

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Hi, I work with vegas years ago.
and I can say is the best video editor on the market.
very stable, versatile, easy to use, does not break down.
and can do amazing things with vegas professional.
you made a good choice

maitegras, 14 years ago

I upgraded from Sony Vegas Movie Studio to Sony Vegas Pro a few years back and haven't looked back. There upgrade options are just as great as this very intuitive NLE. Combined with Bluff Titler you have affordable HD production capabilities.

Vanlen, 14 years ago

For all DSLR video, you can drag and drop into Vegas 10c without transcoding. That's save alot of times.

bylaw, 14 years ago

I am glad that I did upgrade, there is so much more in Pro version. And a LOT of forums/info/tutorials on the web.

Wowbagger, 14 years ago

Sony Vegas (Pro) has been the program I use most for video editing for many years. Back at the beginning, it was a Sonic Foundry product. In addition to its capabilities as a video program (editing and compositing) it is also my choice for editing multi track audio. The very first commercial project I did with the program (10 years ago) had 28 tracks of sounds someone might hear in a garden, mixed gently into the music under a spoken voice for a relaxation CD. I had precise control over every sound to get the mix just right.

The titling capabilities in Sony Vegas are OK but not great. Bluff Titler is my program for all title work as well as for particles, visual effects, and backgrounds.

Sony Vegas (any version Pro or Movie Studio) does not automatically display the transparent areas of your file. Also, the edges of your text or graphics may look rough.

Here's how to make it work:

Export as Movie (Uncompressed AVI with Transparency) from Bluff then import the huge file into Vegas.

Right click on the Bluff Titler clip in the Sony Vegas timeline. Choose Properties.

In the Properties dialog box click on the Media Tab

Near the bottom of the Media Tab dialog box, go to the drop down menu next to Alpha Channel and select Straight (unmatted)

Press the OK button to return to the timeline. The edges should now look smooth.

If you only have the Bluff Titler (BT) file in your timeline, the preview will still look like it has a black background because Vegas like most other editing programs uses black when there is nothing to display. As soon as you have anything in a track below your BT file, you will see your BT track has a transparent background. This is Sony's issue and happens with stills or video from any source.

dvsprite, 14 years ago

Thanks for your input and tips, I think it will take some time to figure Vegas Pro out for me, if I ever will. :)

Most annoying is, I just realized that Amazon uk have a very nice prize upgrade to Sony Vegas Pro 10 that is much less than I payed at sonys site, only 107.22. Amazingly cheap.

Wowbagger, 14 years ago

I have vegas Pro 9. I have been using Vegas since 4.0. Love it. Bylaw's comment about transcoding may make me upgrade.

Elect1, 14 years ago

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