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Bob W. | 14 years ago | 6 comments | 2.2K views

New user here.
I am a little confused by the coordinate system. For example, a horizontal coordinate of 1 does not seem to be in the same horizontal location from one layer to the next.

For example, I have a text layer positioned with a horizontal coordinate of 1. When I assign a horizontal coordinate of 1 to my picture layer, the picture is offset horizontally from the text layer, i.e., they are not centered horizontally. I am tryng to get all layers on the same horizontal center position.

What am I doing wrong?


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It's most likely that your depth "coordinates" are different. Text depth defaults @ 400, where a picture default is 300.

BillyJack, 14 years ago

I would not think a 2-dimensional (x/y plane) coordinate system would be impacted by the depth (z) coordinate.

I am assuming that the origin of their x-y plane is 1,1. That reference origin should remain constant regardless of what the z coordinate is.

Anyone have any technical details on how the BT coordinate system is set-up?

Bob W., 14 years ago

This article by Michiel last year should explain...
Link attached.

DaveH, 14 years ago

Only when you also place the camera at the same horizontal position of 1 the depth position has no impact on the horizontal alignment.

This is how 3D perspective projection works: things further away from the camera are rendered smaller. There's no secret "BT coordinate system".

michiel, 14 years ago


Are you saying that the origin of the coordinate system is a function of the camera position?

I had assumed that the origin of the x-y plane was at the center cross hair location which is visible when the "Safe Area" option is displayed.

I am trying to get two opposing text layers located an equal distance above and below the origin as well as left and right of the origin, i.e., one text will be in the upper left corner while the other text will be in the lower right corner.

Again, I have only had the software for a couple days, so I am still on the learning curve.

Bob W., 14 years ago

You can place the camera anywhere you like. Use the POSITION property of the camera layer to position the camera.

If you want you can set the camera at (0,0,0), which is I think what you call the "origin of the coordinate system"

The cross hair location is always in the centre of the screen no matter what camera position you are using.

michiel, 14 years ago

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