NextPreviousHomeHappy Valentine Slideshow

bylaw | 14 years ago | 6 comments | 8 likes | 5.2K views

kayserhans, Bragina, Doc6768 and 5 others like this!

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Thank you bylaw for the show - another example for us amateurs to try the workings of the excellent Bluff Titler programme

Eddie, 14 years ago

thank you very much bylaw for the show

it is good to see that there are still people here they share their experience with the users of bluff titler.

thank you again

erikger, 14 years ago

Life ends when you stop dreaming,
Hope ends when you stop believing,
Love ends when you stop caring,
Friendship ends when you stop sharing...
so share with whom you consider a friend

bylaw, 14 years ago

Beautiful show. Very well done. Thank you.

hidalgo, 14 years ago

Thank you for sharing the show files for your excellent Valentine show. I learn so much from examining how each element was created. The 2 hearts sketch is especially beautiful.

dvsprite, 14 years ago

Hey Bylaw,

Maybe you could help me? I want to have a clip of 30 to 40 seconds with an intro to my website. In this intro i want to add some screenshots of the website (with the catalyst control center for zooming) together with a short explanation. Your clip comes close to what i have in mind for the idea.

Could you help me out with a clip, offcourse you will get payed to do so.

Let me hear from you on



djboudewijn, 13 years ago

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