NextPreviousHomeThe globe stopped spinning

bob733 | 14 years ago | 2 comments | 2.1K views

I copied in a show that had the earth spinning. I then added text layers with country names coming out of the earth and displaying on the screen (with the earth spinning behind the country names).
But, then the earth stopped spinning eventhough the country names still kept coming out on the screen.
Does anyone have any idea what I could have mistakenly done to stop the earth from spinning?
Thanks in advance.

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When you hit play, does globe spin and then stop or just not move at all?

BillyJack, 14 years ago

I figured it out. I compared the layers (earth, clouds etc) in a working show and saw the rotation was moving for these layers. Then I went back to the non working show and saw they some had been changed to not move.
Changed them to rotate (like in the good show), and problem was fixed.
thanks anyway for the response.

bob733, 14 years ago

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