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RRA | 14 years ago | 6 comments | 2.7K views


I have two really big models (files size is about 200 mega in X format) with normals included. Can't open it in Bluff Titler : application is not responding, can see in Task Manager that still dooing some operation on memory. Is there some restrictions on quantity of objects in file ?

Best regards,

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if you have the original file (3ds)
can compress it with ulead cool 3d, for BluffTitler can open it.

maitegras, 14 years ago

The maximum number of vertices per mesh for most graphics cards is about 65000. Maybe this is also the limit for x files.

Just curious, what kind of model requires 200 MB?

michiel, 14 years ago


Thank you for answer. This is model of entire paper mill (machines, infrastucture, buildings etc).

Best regards,

RRA, 14 years ago

Interesting project!

Maybe you can split the model in smaller ones.

michiel, 14 years ago

is possible that you could upload this model?
I would like to analyze

maitegras, 14 years ago


Can't upload, it's customer property. But with help of AccuTrans I have repaired issue of normals and now models are working properly. Can recommend AccuTrans as part of workflow : between CAD and Bluff Titler.

Best regards,

RRA, 14 years ago

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