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lakeeffect | 14 years ago | 4 comments | 2.6K views

I love BT and am using it quite a bit. One feature that seems to be sorely missing is tracking the camera to a specific layer and have it auto tilt/pan as the layer moves around. This would allow you to zoom in on one specific layer and follow it as the layer moves around the scene.

Any plans for this much needed feature?

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I agree, the ability to parent layers together would be a welcomed feature. I know we've been told BluffTitler was not designed for extended animations, but it's so easy to use that with a couple of added features (such as key setting, timeline zoom and track parenting) this would hands down be my primary animation software.

BillyJack, 14 years ago

Great feature request. Thank you!

michiel, 14 years ago

It would be great to be able to work with the camera "auto locked" on a specified target layer or container AND be able to trigger a change in target from the time line. Also, if the camera lock was able to lock individually on pan, tilt, zoom, rotate, etc. separately you could really create some neat stuff. For example you could lock camera on rotate and pan only and watch objects from a fixed position but not follow. Or you could lock camera on all axis and follow an object as it moves through the space.

JimH, 14 years ago

My thoughts exactly. Much like some of the plasma and particle effects can have a target layer (or no target, set to 0), the camera could shift what layer number the camera's target is to be (or not be) in the timeline.

lakeeffect, 14 years ago

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