NextPreviousHomeText Around an Oval?

user390096 | 14 years ago | 3 comments | 2.8K views

I have a business logo that has text spaced around an oval. I'm trying to convert it into a BluffTitler animation but I can't find an easy way to bend the text. So far I have been successful putting each letter in it's own layer then positioning and rotating it as needed, but that is extremely time consuming and I end up with about 30 layers. Is there a function to put text on a curved line?

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Hello user390096 !

Denkst du daran?

LostBoyz, 14 years ago

Thanx for the quick response. I see that "Spiral 3" seems to almost do it. Maybe the "sketching" text FX would allow the control I need.

user390096, 14 years ago

You can attach a text layer to a sketch layer by choosing the menu item LAYER > ATTACH LAYER > ATTACH TEXT TO ACTIVE LAYER...

When you animate the TEXT POSITION property the text follows the sketch.

You can use Bixelangelo to create the sketch:

michiel, 14 years ago

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