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Jesus | a month ago | 3 comments | 1 like | 157 views

songbaojin likes this!

Michiel, how can I download the Bixpacks that I have purchased, because the ones I had on another PC were deleted by mistake. And I thank you in advance for your guidance.

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At any time you can redownload the BixPacks from the same page you had received when you had purchased them.

In case you have lost this info you can contact us here:

michiel, a month ago

Is it possible to determine what version the Bixpacks are? What I mean by that is, some Packs have been modified since when we first bought them.

lightads, a month ago

Lightads, thank you for the request, but the BixPacks do not yet use version numbers.

The ones that have been remastered are:
BixPack 32 | Moon:
BixPack 33 | City Lights:

The new features, especially glow, PBR and stick fonts offer so many opportunities to improve the templates!

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michiel, a month ago

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