colint | 2 months ago | 2 comments | 158 views

Is there any ability or plan to play a bluff show directly on android?

At the moment I export the show as video then copy it to my android phone to play. That's ok, but one of the many, many features I like is that when you play a show in bluff, animations like plasma, flares, etc continue to run at the end of the show.

To make the same thing happen on my phone, I set the show duration to the minimum of 1 second (by removing time from the beginning) then extend the duration to 10 seconds (by adding time to the end). I then have a 10 second show of a stationary image (the last frame) with the plasma and flare animations running, which I export as video, copy to my phone and play in a continuous loop.

Is there a better way? Ideally I would play the show in bluff directly on android, hence my initial question.

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First new platform is probably going to be the web. This way it works pretty much everywhere, including on Android. Franco Aversa demonstrates this in the comments:

michiel, 2 months ago

Yes, I saw that after searching the community for anything that had already been asked before posting my question. It's obviously exactly the right direction to go. It's a great start. Is there a roadmap?

colint, 2 months ago

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