NextPreviousHomeRepeat option

OldFart68 | 9 months ago | 2 comments | 222 views

I sometimes need to repeat a lot of (short) actions on a timeline for a certain object (like looping an image from left to right and start over). Would it be an idea to have a checkbox (or from-to time setting) that loops the part of the timeline for that object on the rest of it? This would somehow mimic the same thing that happens with a video or a sound (restart at end). My current workaround is to save this motion as a video and then re-import.

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Instead of a video you could save as a model. Franco used this technique to loop his dancing puppets:

michiel, 9 months ago

Wait, you can save images/animations as a model?! Wow! That is a nice work around indeed! But I hope my request reaches a 'Nice To Have' list somehow as it would make it more flexible to create 'loops'.

OldFart68, 9 months ago

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