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mohkamil | 9 months ago | 7 comments | 1 like | 284 views

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hi guys
Does the program provide a way to animate 2D characters?

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Filip, 9 months ago

When you mean how to play a 2D animation, I can think of 3 ways:
-a video layer
-an animated GIF (picture layer)
-a filmstrip (use the FILMSTRIP props of the picture layer)

michiel, 9 months ago

I mean animating still images vectors of 2D cartoon characters in the program

mohkamil, 9 months ago

If you have them with separate body parts, or can make them that way.
You could put them in a container. Move the container for the positioning, and move the body parts accordingly.

Decentralized, 9 months ago

You can create simple animations with Sprites (Filmstrips) with a image editor.
Such as this:

For more sofisticated animations you have to use expensive software.

Filip, 9 months ago

I actually divide the body of a cartoon character, put it in a container, use advanced graphics, and move the parts like animation in the After Effects program, and I have work on that, but I wanted to know if there is a method or tools in the program dedicated to that, similar to moving 3D MODLE or CHARACTERS in the program as is commonly known now.

And thank you for interacting with my post

mohkamil, 9 months ago

So Is there a technology in the program that can animate 2D model similar to animate a 3D model ?

mohkamil, 9 months ago

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