LostBoyz | a year ago | 7 comments | 9 likes | 493 views
Alex-Raymond T., Decentralized, gato@mo and 6 others like this!
Salvador Dalí | Crucifixion (Corpus Hypercubus)
-lb remake-
Nice remake. Beautiful and scary at the same time, just like the original painting... and the original event.
michiel, a year ago
A cool trick with a checkered floor is to make only the white tiles reflective. This can be done by using a transparent texture in the mirror layer. The texture used for this screenshot is rendered in the top right. The top right and bottom left squares of this texture are fully transparent. Apply the texture in the MEDIA > CHANGE TEXTURE... dialog and use the TEXTURE REPEAT prop to set the size of the tiles.
michiel, a year ago
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