OldFart68 | a year ago | 4 comments | 338 views
I've been teaching ChatGPT (and some other models) how to write Blufftitler scripts/shows. Sofar it only understands the principles and can write short simple scripts with still a lot of manual debugging. But the idea... Imagine having a prompt where you could just add the words 'Float the word 'HELLO' on a blue sea and make it sink slowly in three seconds' and it would generate such a show... It might be a nice feature and Bluff would become the only piece of animation software with this option ;)
Because BluffTitler show files are text files, it could be a relatively simple way for an AI to generate videos. And as your experiment has proved, ChatGPT can already generate simple shows!
What we want is an AI that understands prompts like this:
> Could you please generate a BluffTitler show for a birthday video for my friend who turns 27, rides a Ford Mustang and loves rollercoasters?
...and responds with something like the above video!
To make this possible we have to train the AI with lots of shows with good English descriptions. This community could be an excellent place to train the AI!
When you want to help, post your work in this community like this:
Thank you!
michiel, a year ago
Michiel how do we buildup a viable show. Eg Containers for seperate layers....
Oh and the is much content on this community created by yours truly. You may use it all.
Filip, a year ago
Filip, to train AI we need simple shows with good English descriptions. Preferably with great output. And above all we need a lot of them. And when I say a lot, I mean A LOT.
michiel, a year ago
Michiel count me in.
Project TrAIn the Bix-BrAIn
Maybe a simple procedure:
1. Create a show with the following parameters
- resolution HD
- duration max 10 sec
- primary text and simple pictures
- animation
- 3d
2. Use self created contend
3. Send in your show in zip format
4. There are a few volunteers who independently test the show
5. and maybe change some parts to improve the show
6. You are the Bix-BrAIn trainer?
Filip, a year ago