Kauzito | a year ago | 3 comments | 2 likes | 274 views
vincent and songbaojin like this!
I have a model of a wheel Rim.
In my modelling app, I have centred it (0,0,0) and also rotated it as I want it to appear in BT.
I have imported the model to BT as .obj
I have placed it to the desired position and also adjusted the Pivot Point property to match the Position Property.
I have selected the Wheel Option at the option box (Tool window)
When I move my container (with the wheel rim and other submodels), the wheel rim rotates but it follows the path of another invisible smaller circle.
In other words, the wheel is rotating about two axis. Instead it should be rotating about one axis while the other two are fixed.
Please help in making this wheel rim to rotate about a point.
Positions and pivot points are not important. And I do not understand what you mean with "Wheel Option at the option box (Tool window)".
The only thing that matters is that every wheel is a separate submodel. Maybe an example works best to explain how it works:
1) Download this model: sketchfab.com...
2) Create a new model layer using this model
3) Choose MEDIA > CHANGE MODEL... and enter the indices of the wheel submodels in the WHEELS box. For this model: 8,9,10,11
That's it. Now when you move the model layer, you will see that the wheels rotate!
I hope this helps.
michiel, a year ago
Thanks Michiel. Your comment helped me find the solution.
I have changed the submodel format from .obj to .x
Also, I have identified and indicated the wheel submodel layers as shown in your screenshot.
I think the Model format also matters.
This works now!
In my screenshot, see what I mean by "Wheel Option at the option box (Tool window)"
Bonus Note:
I have noted that models in .x format output textures and reflections way better than models in .obj format.
I have merged an old show (with V11_ReflectiveFloor_ReflectionMap.cfx) to a new show.
Kauzito, a year ago
When you select the WHEEL style, the whole model is treated as a wheel. So this does not work when the model is a car and only its wheels must rotate.
The file format is irrelevant for the wheel functionality, but I advise to avoid the X format. Also try to avoid the old V11 effects. When you want a reflective floor use the mirror layer: outerspace-software.com...
michiel, a year ago