Kauzito | a year ago | 4 comments | 1 like | 253 views

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Why is my model being sliced when I move it to a particular spot of the show?

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Have you tried the show "double side" slider?

Decentralized, a year ago

@Decentralized, I have applied the UVMapper.cfx effect to the model. FX Double sided is set to 1 which means the model is double sided.
I suspect the camera settings....

Kauzito, a year ago

Does the problem disappear by moving the camera away?
I've already had a similar problem when the camera gets too close to the model, it's as if it's going into it, Michiel will surely provide you with more explanations and solutions.
As I got around the problem by moving the camera away I didn't ask Michiel the question, but his answer will be interesting.

vincent, a year ago

I think Vincent is right. When the model is clipped when it's near the camera, it must be the front clipping plane. Make the model bigger (SIZE prop) and move it further away from the camera (POSITION prop).

For more info google on "front clipping plane".

michiel, a year ago

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