BibleBible | 14 years ago | 3 comments | 3.3K views
I'm trying to make smoke using particles in BluffTitler.
The problem is that the effect "notlightened_additive.fx" will modify the color to very bright and "notLightened_subtractive.fx" will modify the color to very dark.
See the 2 simple shows I included: WhiteSmoke and BlackSmoke.
1) Is there a simple way to make grey smoke (without changing the velocity of the particles)?
2) Could you add a particle property that would be "Target Color" so we could specify the color of the end result when all particles have been added or subtracted?
3) Or maybe write an effect that would do so?
Yes it is possible to play with transparency or speed to lighten the colors.
But I'd like to be able to make an opaque grey smoke.
A Target Color property would allow the added particles final color to tend towards that Target Color instead of black or white.
BibleBible, 14 years ago
Elect1, 14 years ago