Txeminator | a year ago | 8 comments | 2 likes | 399 views
liuyongcai and songbaojin like this!
I would like to know how can I to export to video in format H.265 (video codec)
What steps I must to do ?
Thanks in advance
@Lighthads, thanks for your quick answer,
Yes I´ve MKV full 4K resolution
But I don´t see any output mention to the H.265 or HVEC codec output in the program
Could be good to know if there´s that possibility
Txeminator, a year ago
Set your project to 4k then export to uncompressed AVI. Then import your AVI into your NLE.
lightads, a year ago
We'll add H.265 to the MP4 PROFILE dropdown in the DRIVERS tab of the SETTINGS > OPTIONS... dialog. Thank you for your request!
michiel, a year ago
Hi Michiel,
I can´t see the H.265 option into the Drivers section, only H264
What I´m doing wrong ?
Txeminator, a year ago
Txeminator, we took your question as a feature request. It will be implemented in version
michiel, a year ago
Txeminator, version, launched today, offers H.265.
Choose SETTINGS > OPTIONS..., select the DRIVERS tab and select H.265 in the MP4 PROFILE dropdown.
michiel, a year ago
Thanks a lot Michiel for the info about the H265 encoder in the versión
I´ve downloaded and it appear on the DRIVERS menu.
Fine job !!
All is working well....
Greetings from Spain :-)
Txeminator, a year ago