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DigitalDave | 14 years ago | 2 comments | 2.4K views

Just started using BT 8 as an alternative to Boris and have been finding my way around.
It would appear there is no search so an apology if the answers are buried in the archive.

I have three questions:

I am looking to do light sweeps over text with either a Beam or a Lens Flare.

1 What do I need to do to stop the lens flare rotating as it moves across the text? i.e Flare 3 used as texture on point light layer moves likes it a gear cog

2 What is the best way to do a simple light sweep is there a show somewhere?

3 I want to recreate and refine something I did in Boris - it is moving spotlight beams pivoting from a fixed point at the top moving in a 30 degree arc though the screen, sure it is possible but cannot work out how. Any ideas?



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1. Isn't this how flares behave? Maybe we can make it optional in a next version.

2. You can find many flare examples in the "light effects" folder. Press the OPEN SHOW button to open a show.

3. Can you point us to an online video showing this effect?

michiel, 14 years ago

Examples as requested
1 From an ad I'm working on - Simple Light sweep on main caption. (Boris) I'm sure I can do this in BT but the rotating flare floors me.

2 For the promo of the same show, which I have just update with some BT captions. This has the light sweep but also the beam within the downlight matte (both Boris)



DigitalDave, 14 years ago

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