snafu | 2 years ago | 5 comments | 379 views
For some reason, I can not send a movie in Whatsapp, I convert the show made with Blufftitler, to mp4, but it is not possible send it to others by whatsapp.
That's strange. What is the error message?
Maybe your friends do not have as much memory as you have. Or maybe they have a slower internet connection. Making the video smaller by reducing the resolution, the framerate and the duration can help.
michiel, 2 years ago
Snafo, had a similar problem with WhatsApp (windows Desktop version) the other day, Wanted to send a ring doorbell video that I had modified in Vegas Pro19 Mp4 and reduced the bitrate so the file was only 15mb still would not send. Sent by Facebook messenger in the end. John
Pioneer, 2 years ago
Este problema se da porque en la plataforma de WhatsApp lo maximo a enviar es de 16 MB. Esto equivale aproximadamente 90 segundos = 3 minutos de video. si lo Envías y tiene mas de tres minutos no podrás enviarlo.
EDWIN, 2 years ago
Edwin, yes you are correct, I downsized my video to under 10mb but I was still unable to send. Have not tried it again yet but probably over the new year I will try again. Cheers John
Pioneer, 2 years ago
Edwin ese no es el problema, es que aunque reduzcas el tamaño, tampoco se puede enviar.
La unica manera es pasarlo a youTube y luego enviar el enlace al receptor de tu mensaje.
snafu, 2 years ago