gato@mo | 2 years ago | 5 comments | 435 views
Hola michiel
que significa projected shadows on wall
thank yuo
To make a wall you need to add another picture and stand it up right, or use a 3D model of a wall.
You also have to turn the shadows on by adjusting the "Shadow Intensity" level.
0.2 is a good strong shadow. Hope that helps.
Decentralized, 2 years ago
Decentralized, i think Gabriel is speaking about the property 'Projected shadows on wall' on the third listbox (shadows types) on the left of the capture.
vincent, 2 years ago
The 3rd dropdown of the light layer sets the shadow algorithm. By default, it is set to SHADOW MAPS because this works best in most situations. It is also the most popular shadow algorithm in console and PC games.
So, I advise to use SHADOW MAPS. The others are offered to stay compatible with older shows.
If you are interested in the technical details, the user guide offers an in-depth comparison between the shadow algorithms:
michiel, 2 years ago
Gracias a todos
Saludos cordiales
gato@mo, 2 years ago
Me gusta todo lo que tenga que ver con modelos 3D, intentar y hacer uno ahí me paso mi tiempo libre
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