NextPreviousHomeFlattening the rays...

papabear | 14 years ago | 8 comments | 2.7K views

I would like to create the effect of the lower half of the screen showing rays revolving around, at a perspective if that makes sense. So I would have the text in the middle of the screen with the rays appearing to shine from behind it, towards you. I have tried to rotate or flatten the "rays" and others but all I see for the position in up/down or left/right. Is there a way to flatten out the plasma layer? Thanks,

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Can you point us to a YouTube video showing this effect?

michiel, 14 years ago

could not find one - I was afraid that the explain would be confusing. Another way I could describe it would be as if I was standing on the shore of a lake, just slightly above the water line -and somebody from the other side plops a rock on the middle of the lake. I am trying to recreate the rings that would be coming towards me; either with rings ro preferably with the "ray" or "spiral" plasma option. I cant figure out how to move the axis for the effect to nearly vertical, and not horizontal. Kind of like a spinning top...

papabear, 14 years ago

Maybe you have to move the light down with the 2nd slider of the POSITION property of the light layer.

michiel, 14 years ago

that only puts it up/down or left/right - i am trying to "pivot" it backwards. I tried moving the camera angle, that is how I usually do it with other effects, but the plasma layer perspectives do not seem to change with the camera angles.

papabear, 14 years ago

Maybe attaching the plasma effect to a picture layer and rotating and moving that picture layer does the trick.

You can attach a plasma layer to a picture layer by pressing the ATTACH PLASMA TO ACTIVE LAYER... button.

michiel, 14 years ago

Great idea! I did a quick test with a blank png and it did give me the options that I was looking for - thanks for the help.

papabear, 14 years ago

Hey Michiel - Check out the vid, still need to do some tweaks here and there - but the effect that you helped me with is the rays underneath the reflections - thanks again.

papabear, 14 years ago

Great. Thank you for sharing this video!

michiel, 14 years ago

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