computerchic | 14 years ago | 3 comments | 4.2K views
I am having a difficult time getting my text to show up over my image. I am adding a transparent image that I created (by selecting add image layer) first and then adding the text layer. It still is keeping the text layer behind the image so you can see it. I have tried moving the active layer (text) to the front but that option is grey'd out so I can't select it. When I have the image as the active layer I can select 'move to back', but when I do it, it doesn't change anything. Please help : )
if the picture is set to 3d in 3d space then you have to make sure the text layer is closer to the camera than the picture layer. Move the bottom slider in the Position menu. Alternatively you can change the picture layer to "3d in back ground" or "2d fullscreen" using the options on the left of the control window. This will put the pic behind everything.
matty, 14 years ago
Ok, great! That worked changing to 3d in background : ) now how do I change the font color?
computerchic, 14 years ago
Nevermind on the font color, I figured it out! : )
computerchic, 14 years ago