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michelle | 14 years ago | 7 comments | 3.0K views

For some reason, I am unable to export my project. It was working fine but then stopped. When I go to export a file, it will go all the way to the end and then the bluff titler crashes and the file is then corrupted and unable to be opened. After several tries I deleted and uploaded bluff titler again but the same thing keeps happening. Can you please give me some advice on how to fix this. Thanks in advance

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Sign of a broken Window. Win registries file corrupted.
Try 1
1. System Restore - Go START, All programs, accessories, system tools, system restore
if don't work,
2. Try window repair - boot through your cd and follow repair window instruction.
if don't work,
3. Try reinstall window os over the old one - boot through CD
and choose install window over the old one.
This will still keep your data but backup your email before doing
this as you may lose your old emails.
If all else fail.

4. Back up all your data and format and Install a new window.

bylaw, 14 years ago

What do you mean with "export my project"? Do you mean exporting as a video file?

Have you tried exporting in a lower resolution?

Have you tried exporting uncompressed?

Does the show crash at the same position every time?

On the FAQ page you can find general tips to fix stability issues:

michiel, 14 years ago

Yes I am exporting as a video file and I have tried to export it uncompressed and yes the file crashes at the same position every time. I have also tried rebooting and the system restore to no avail. I have used this product for about 3 weeks without any issues so its not the graphics card or anything lie that or so I think. When slight changes are made to the text layers (meaning that I just changed the words) and try to play it back, it plays very slowly, when I try to export it, it goes through the motions--frame by frame and when it is just about done, bluff titler crashes and then restarts itself. The file that was in the process of being exported can not be read by windows or bluff titler. Please advise

michelle, 14 years ago

Maybe you have viruses on your system, some viruses lock system restore points.

vincent, 14 years ago

Yes I am exporting as a video file and I have tried to export it uncompressed and yes the file crashes at the same position every time. I have also tried rebooting and the system restore to no avail. I have used this product for about 3 weeks without any issues so its not the graphics card or anything lie that or so I think. When slight changes are made to the text layers (meaning that I just changed the words) and try to play it back, it plays very slowly, when I try to export it, it goes through the motions--frame by frame and when it is just about done, bluff titler crashes and then restarts itself. The file that was in the process of being exported can not be read by windows or bluff titler. Please advise

michelle, 14 years ago

This can be a file size issue. If uncompressed avi get to more
than 4GB on a FAT32 hard disk format.
try reduce the duration of the show to before crash point and save it to a different show name and export movie.

tell us what's happen

bylaw, 14 years ago

It worked. I reduced the size and things are working fine now. Thank you again for all of your assistance.

michelle, 14 years ago

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