NextPreviousHomeI need clouds

mufasaxx | 14 years ago | 4 comments | 2.9K views

Can anybody help me??
I want to create a sequence with someone walking on a bed of clouds as if it were the ground. I can't seem to locate this type of background (clouds on the bottom (ground level only), sky/sun whatever on top). I have several cloud videos but none fit the bill. Any advice will be appreciated.

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Long time ago, i have created a show with clouds. See if can do something with it.

vincent, 14 years ago


Thanks! that's exactly what I was looking for.
One more request, I'd like to slow it down, but I can't find how to control the speed. Adjusting "trail length" seems to have an affect but movement really becomes choppy (might be my graphics card). Any advice will be appreciated.

mufasaxx, 14 years ago

Clouds are done with particule, so i think you must adjust 'gravity' and 'Maximum Age' parameters. I have no time today, but i will do some tests.

vincent, 14 years ago

I have uploaded a modified show where clouds are a little slower.

vincent, 14 years ago

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